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NDS | Quality, Safeguards and Practice Governance Conference 2024
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Technical Support

For technical support, please click on the blue chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

Need to know

How do I set up my profile?
Log into the virtual event platform, click the box with your initials on the top right menu, and select 'Edit Profile'.
I can't remember my password
Click 'forgot password' on the login page to reset your password.

Will I need to download specific software or an App?
Specific software is not required. You will be provided with a weblink to the virtual event platform. Google Chrome is the recommended browser. If you typically use Internet Explorer or Safari, we recommend that you download Chrome prior to the event.

What device should I use to watch?
We strongly advise that you participate via your desktop or laptop computer/mac that has good speakers. Mobile devices are supported but the best experience will be through the desktop or laptop computer/mac.

Do I need a microphone or camera to participate?
No. Interaction is via the chat and question functions.

How do I watch a live session?
Click 'Watch Live' on the day, which will be located in the top banner.
How do I submit a question to the speaker during a session?
At the bottom of the 'Live Stream' page there is a questions section where you submit any questions to the speaker during their talk. Do not use the chat function to ask the speaker a question. The chat function is for engaging with other delegates.